How do I purchase your Cannabis Products?
Please note that we do NOT sell cannabis. At our Dazed & Blazed store in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, we sell a variety of premium stickers and gift you with cannabis accordingly.
What is cannabis?
In simple terms, cannabis consists of the dried leaves and flowering tops of the Cannabis Indica and Sativa plants. It contains cannabinoids, active chemicals that give off euphoric effects on the mind and body.
How is cannabis made?
Hemp products are made from the Cannabis plant. The plants are grown and cultivated by different methods and vary by strain, they are then harvested, pruned, and dried thereafter.
Is indica or sativa better?
This would depend on the consumer and preference. For more information on the differences between Indica and Sativa, please see the questions below ("What does Indica do to you?" and "What does Sativa usually do?").
What does indica do to you?
Indica is a type of cannabis that can have relaxing, sedating, and pain-relieving effects. It can also stimulate appetite, reduce nausea, and increase dopamine levels in the brain. Indica is often used by people who suffer from stress, anxiety, insomnia, or chronic pain.
Is indica a strong high?
Indica is a type of cannabis strain that is often associated with a stronger, more sedating high compared to Sativa strains. Indica strains typically contain higher levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis.
The high from Indica strains is often described as relaxing, calming, and potentially sleep-inducing, whereas Sativa strains are often described as more energizing and uplifting.
However, it's important to note that the strength and effects of cannabis can vary widely depending on the specific strain, individual tolerance, and method of consumption.
Will Indica make you laugh?
Indica can make you laugh because cannabinoids like THC found in cannabis plants can reduce negative stimuli in our body, resulting in someone easily getting loose and laughing. Both Indica and Sativa strains have terpenes, which are the chemicals in the cannabis plant responsible for aroma and taste profiles. It is the high chemovars in the terpenes that make you laugh.
What does sativa usually do?
Sativa is known for its uplifting and stimulating effects, sativa strains cause a high that’s felt mostly in the brain and a Sativa high tends to be more hallucinogenic than the one brought on by Indica strains. Some describe sativa effects as an uplifting infusion of creative energy. It is also known to help direct focus and increase productivity. Due to their uplifting nature, sativa marijuana strains are often recommended for people battling depression. They’re also excellent for those with ADHD.
Is sativa a high or downer?
Sativa is an uplifting "high", It is stimulating, leading to a more energetic effect. Sativa strains mainly consist of a high limonene content that uplifts the mood.
Does sativa make your eyes red?
Marijuana, regardless of whether it is a Sativa or Indica strain, can cause red eyes. This effect is due to the dilation of blood vessels caused by THC, which reduces blood pressure.
When should I take sativa?
Sativa is typically recommended for daytime use, as these strains may interrupt the ability to settle down and sleep at night, as they are more likely to induce an energetic effect.
Why is sativa so popular?
Sativa could be seen as more favourable to many because of the productivity and energy it causes, Although this does depend on the consumer and their preference.
Does sativa make you hungry?
Sativa-dominant cannabis strains are more likely to suppress appetite than stimulate it. This is because Sativas are rich in a cannabinoid called delta 9 tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), which has notable appetite-suppressing properties. Plants typically classified as “Sativa” are not known as appetite stimulants, unlike plants typically classified as “Indica", However, both Sativa and Indica can stimulate hunger if the THC content is high enough.
Is CBD legal in South Africa?
CBD is legal in South Africa, and the country has a certain legal framework for purveyors to legally sell CBD as both a non-scheduled health supplement, depending on the daily dose limit, label claims (if any), and THC content. CBD products containing less than 20mg of CBD per daily dose are legally available for sale and are exempt from the Schedules of the Medicines Act.
How does CBD affect you?
CBD is utilized for a broad range of health concerns, including inflammation, chronic pain, insomnia, sleep disorders, and even as a treatment for seizures and cancer. It has also been notably effective in alleviating stress, anxiety, and aggression.